"What I Have"
A focused effort to pay down the principal on NarroWay's current property loan.
By the grace and favor of GOD NarroWay is celebrating 25 Years. We are working hard, focusing our 25th year to pay down the current NarroWay property loan.
Peter and John met a cripple. “Alms? Please, just a shekel of silver or gold.” Peter replied, “Silver and gold I do not have, but WHAT I HAVE I give to you.” And the man walked!! In the same manner, we are focusing on "what we have" and asking God for a miracle as we work to pay down the current debt.
Can you make a monetary contribution to NarroWay's "What I Have" campaign? Simply complete the form below to make your contribution. Or, send a check to NarroWay and include "What I Have" in your memo. Checks can be mailed to:
NarroWay Productions
3327 Hwy. 51
Fort Mill SC 29715 -